Tuesday, March 21, 2017



Veils of so many colors,
Dressing windows and wounds,
Opaque, thick, heavy
Fluid, translucent, transparent,
Thick, heavy, dusty,
Flimsy, paper-thin, perforated.
Embroidered, embellished
Torn and frayed,
For every time and every mood.
For every person and every place.
Drifting in the wind,
Wafting in the breeze;
Drawn in daylight,
Thrown open in the night;
Ripped apart by thieves,
Violated by voyeurs.
You look at me and I look at you
Through yours through mine.

(This poem first appeared in Every Writer's Resource)

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Worship Me


My halo, my stature,
My aura, my powers.
Bow to me, fold your hands;
Cross your chest, genuflect,
Grovel and beg,
And feel honorable.
Light incense, kindle candles,
Sway the fan, throw the flowers.
Feed me blind faith and blood.
Keep my heart beating
To the beads of the rosary
To the chant and the prayer.
Protect me
From blasphemy and the blasphemous,
Appease me in bizarre ways.
You say I prescribed those?
Forget yourself, make me your identity.
Hail me,
As your creator , your God,
Your sustainer, your savior.
Even though you are the purveyor
Of my life, my form.
And worship me,
The creator reduced to your creation

(This poem first appeared in Acumen)